Projects Section


All the info about the films which Alyssa had starred in from Commando till My Girlfriend's Boyfriend. [proceed]

Guides and descriptions of every tv shows that Alyssa had appeared in. [proceed]

Alyssa involvement with numerous advertisements and commercials on tv [proceed]

The clothing line which Alyssa had created since her departure from Charmed in 2006. [proceed]

Alyssa has been actively involved in the campaign since her close friend, Rose McGowan become the victim of the misconduct. [proceed]

Alyssa starred in the computer game "Ghostbusters as Illysa Selwyn. [proceed]

The sports collectibles in which Alyssa Milano endorsed for the partnership with her Touch line. [proceed]

All the documentaries and tv specials featuring Alyssa during her entire years of fame. [proceed]

All the charity works that Alyssa had done throughout the years. [proceed]

All the albums that Alyssa had made that were released in Japan. [proceed]

The guide to the books written by Alyssa about her love for baseball. [proceed]

The guide to the lovely poems recited by Alyssa during a special occassion. [proceed]

The guide to the other job that Alyssa participated with during her after-Charmed life. [proceed]

From the creative mind of Alyssa Milano, Hacktivist is a fast-paced cyber-thriller about friendship and freedom in a time of war.. [proceed]

Everything about Alyssa's solo singing career in Japan during her teenage years.[proceed]

Starting from Charmed we see Alyssa moves to more serious role behind the scene[proceed]

All the nominations & awards that Alyssa had received throughout her career. [proceed]